
Domein is het adres, waarop u voor anderen vindbaar bent op het internet. Vind de juiste domeinnaam en registreer uw domein bij ACTIVE 24 voordat het te laat is.

Door uw domein te registreren bij ACTIVE 24 krijgt u extra diensten die u meteen gratis kunt gebruiken. Ontvang onze CMS Mijn Website Start voor 1 jaar gratis voor .NL domeinregistratie.


Domain services

Web for free for 1 year

Free website

Get Mijn Website Start publishing system one year for free to .NL domain registration

Webforward Mailforward

Redirecting website and emails

Webforward service enables you to redirect the domain to any other web site. You can redirect the domain to any other website. Using Mailforward, emails will be forwarded to one selected email address.


DNS settings

DNS domain record settings that are registered with ACTIVE 24 are free. If the registrar is not ACTIVE 24, we charge an annual fee of € 9.99 for domain registration in the ACTIVE 24 zone.

If you already have a domain registered with another registrar, you can transfer your domain to us and start taking advantage of our wide range of quality services and benefits.

All information on domain transfer can be found in our Help centre.

Domain generator

Bulk domain registration

New gTLDs